Eddy Current Tube Inspection

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- NDT Method
Eddy Current Testing - Application Category
Tube Inspection
NDT is a basic need for Industries like Power Plants & Refineries to ensure safety and reliability. Components like Heat Exchangers & Condensers need to be checked periodically from inside in these plants since leak of any kind can lead to productivity loss and more importantly serious environment hazards.
Heat Exchanger & Steam Generators tubes in power plants, especially Nuclear power plants, needs to be inspected for leaks periodically to prevent hazards. Hence, identifying and replacing damaged and weak parts is very important task and ensures safe process and reliability.
Eddy Current Tube inspection is the High Speed & Fastest way to check for damages like ID Wall loss, OD wall loss, ID & OD Pitting, ID & OD Corrosion due to stress cracking etc., in metals.
Vibrant NDT, has in time, developed the Team and posses the equipment to perform Tube Inspection works Reliably & Effeciently.
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